There's just something about Hope Wellness Center
... that makes you want to stay and visit. From the knowledgeable, friendly staff to the beautiful office with its clean air and feeling of goodness, you will feel "Welcomed" from the moment you walk in the door.
You may have heard, "A clean colon is a healthy colon." And it's so true!
Colonics is an excellent means to reduce the toxins and residue build-up that can happen over time. Several health conditions depress the digestive tract and can create constipation. After years of build-up and constipation, you may be reabsorbing toxins through your colon causing you discomfort and keeping your
immune system depressed.
$120 - 1st visit ($75 for colonic, $10 for prescription, $35 membership)
$75 - Subsequent colonics
Ask about package discounts and prescription requirements.
Click here for
Colonic Procedure Request Form
Bio Electro Magnetic Energy Regulation (BEMER)
Free during the introductory period
On the left bar, you should see Steve Hines and under his
name is click on shop. Click on complete system. To
purchase the intense application cushion, you will need to
click on miscellaneous products to order the cushion
Videos demonstrate BEMER's ability to enhance microcirculation that makes up 74% of circulatory system. To order: